List of Drugs by PERCUTANEOUS Route Type (Page: 8)

Below you will find an alphabetical list of the drug manufacturers/labelers and their drugs using PERCUTANEOUS route of delivery. Select the drug and manufacturer/labeler you would like to view. Once selected, you will proceed to the drug page, including details on the drug.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer / LabelerDrug Name
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Hackberry Celtis occidentalis
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Hickory, Shagbark Carya ovata
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Linden Basswood Tilia americana
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Maple, Hard Acer saccharum
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Melaleuca Punk Tree Melaleuca quinquenervia
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Mesquite, Prosopis juliflora
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Mulberry Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Oak Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Oak, Red Quercus rubra
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Olive Olea europaea
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Olive, Russian Elaeagnus angustifolia
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Palm, Queen Cocos plumosa
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Palo Verde Cercidium floridum
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Pecan Carya Carya illinoensis
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Pepper Tree, California Schinus molle
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Pine Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Privet Ligustrum vulgare
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Sycamore, American Eastern Platanus occidentallis
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Tree Mix 11
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Tree Mix 5
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Tree Mix 6
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Walnut, Black Juglans nigra
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Trees, Willow, Black Salix nigra
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Cocklebur Xanthium strumarium
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Dog Fennel Eupatorium capillifolium
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Goldenrod Solidago canadensis
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Lamb Quarters Chenopodium album
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Nettle Urtica dioica
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Pigweed, Rough Redroot Amaranthus retroflexus
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Plantain, English Plantago lanceolata
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Ragweed, Giant Ambrosia trifida
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Ragweed. Western Ambrosia psilostachya
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Russian Thistle Salsola kali
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Sagebrush, Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Scale, Wing Shad Atriplex canescens
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Scotch Broom Cytisus scoparius
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds and Garden Plants, Sorrel, Sheep Rumex acetosella
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Careless Weed Amaranthus palmeri
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Careless/Pigweed Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Dock/Sorrel Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Giant, Short, Western Ragweed Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Kochia scoparia
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Marshelder/Poverty Mix
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPollens – Weeds, Weed mix 2630
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCPositive Skin Test Control – Histamine
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCWasp hymenoptera venom Venomil Diagnostic
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCWhite Faced Hornet hymenoptera venom Venomil Diagnostic
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCYellow Hornet hymenoptera venom Venomil Diagnostic
Jubilant HollisterStier LLCYellow Jacket hymenoptera venom Venomil Diagnostic
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