List of Drugs by TABLET Dosage Form (Page: 147)

Below you will find an alphabetical list of the drug manufacturers/labelers and their drugs using TABLET form of dosage delivery. Select the drug and manufacturer/labeler you would like to view. Once selected, you will proceed to the drug page, including details on the drug.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer / LabelerDrug Name
Rebel Distributors CorpClomiphene Citrate
Rebel Distributors CorpClorazepate Dipotassium
Rebel Distributors CorpDesipramine Hydrochloride
Rebel Distributors CorpDexamethasone
Rebel Distributors CorpDicyclomine Hydrochloride
Rebel Distributors CorpDiethylpropion HCl Controlled-Release
Rebel Distributors CorpDiovan
Rebel Distributors CorpDiphenoxylate Hydrochloride and Atropine Sulfate
Rebel Distributors CorpDonnatal
Rebel Distributors CorpDoxazosin
Rebel Distributors CorpENALAPRIL MALEATE
Rebel Distributors CorpEnalapril Maleate and Hydrochlorothiazide
Rebel Distributors CorpEstazolam
Rebel Distributors CorpEstradiol
Rebel Distributors CorpFexofenadine Hydrochloride
Rebel Distributors CorpFluconazole
Rebel Distributors CorpGabapentin
Rebel Distributors CorpGlimepiride
Rebel Distributors CorpGlipizide
Rebel Distributors CorpGlyburide
Rebel Distributors CorpHaloperidol
Rebel Distributors CorpHydrochlorothiazide
Rebel Distributors CorpHydrocodone Bitartate and Acetaminophen
Rebel Distributors CorpHydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen
Rebel Distributors CorpHyoscyamine Sulfate
Rebel Distributors CorpIbuprofen
Rebel Distributors CorpIbuprofen (NSAID)
Rebel Distributors CorpInspra
Rebel Distributors CorpIsoniazid
Rebel Distributors CorpKeppra
Rebel Distributors CorpKetoconazole
Rebel Distributors CorpLAMICTAL
Rebel Distributors CorpLamotrigine
Rebel Distributors CorpLevetiracetam
Rebel Distributors CorpLevothyroxine Sodium
Rebel Distributors CorpLisinopril
Rebel Distributors CorpLisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide
Rebel Distributors CorpLoratadine
Rebel Distributors CorpLorazepam
Rebel Distributors CorpLosartan Potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide
Rebel Distributors CorpLovastatin
Rebel Distributors CorpMAXALT
Rebel Distributors CorpMefloquine Hydrochloride
Rebel Distributors CorpMEPHYTON
Rebel Distributors CorpMetaxalone
Rebel Distributors CorpMethocarbamol
Rebel Distributors CorpMethotrexate
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