W. H. P. M. First Sign Drug of Abuse Nortriptyline Cup Test (25311)

Specialty: Toxicology / TDM

Welcome to the PulseAid listing for the W. H. P. M. First Sign Drug of Abuse Nortriptyline Cup Test medical device. This device is used in the Toxicology / TDM healthcare specialty. Below, you can view the analytes this device is used to test, and its corresponding complexity (HIGH, MODERATE, or CLIA WAIVED). We have also randomly listed additional medical devices used in the Toxicology / TDM healthcare specialty at the bottom of the page.

Analytes Measured/Detected and Complexity:

Tricyclic antidepressants (CR160127 | K160793) CLIA WAIVED
Effective Date: 2016-08-25

Other Toxicology / TDM Devices:

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NOVX Systems iMDx AnalyzerView Complexity
BTNX Inc. Rapid Response Multi-Drug One-Step Cup CocaineView Complexity
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Express Diagnostic Int’l Inc DrugCheck Waive RT (Model 9308z)View Complexity
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Siemens T60 Clinical Chemistry AnalyzerView Complexity
Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911View Complexity
American Screening Corporation, Inc., Multi-Drug Testing CardsView Complexity