TEST 1 (19432)

Specialty: Hematology

Welcome to the PulseAid listing for the TEST 1 medical device. This device is used in the Hematology healthcare specialty. Below, you can view the analytes this device is used to test, and its corresponding complexity (HIGH, MODERATE, or CLIA WAIVED). We have also randomly listed additional medical devices used in the Hematology healthcare specialty at the bottom of the page.

Analytes Measured/Detected and Complexity:

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (non-waived proced) (X110138 | X110138) MODERATE
Effective Date: 2011-12-15

Other TEST 1 Medical Devices:

Medical DeviceComplexity
ARJ Medical URITEST 10 Reagent Strips for Urinalysis (13720)
Urine qualitative dipstick bilirubin | Urine qualitative dipstick blood | Urine qualitative dipstick glucose | Urine qualitative dipstick ketone | Urine qualitative dipstick leukocytes | Urine qualitative dipstick nitrite | Urine qualitative dipstick Ph | Urine qualitative dipstick protein | Urine qualitative dipstick specific gravity | Urine qualitative dipstick urobilinogen |
View Complexity

Other Hematology Devices:

Medical DeviceComplexity
Mallinckrodt H5-MView Complexity
DIAGNOSTICA STAGO STA-R EvolutionView Complexity
Roche Diagnostics Hitachi 914View Complexity
Instrumentation Laboratory (IL) Co. ACL TOP 750 LASView Complexity
American Bioproducts STA AnalyzerView Complexity
Beckman Coulter Immage 800 Immunochemistry SystemView Complexity
Coulter ZMView Complexity
Baxter Antithrombin III Chromogenic AssayView Complexity
Roche Diagnostics Hitachi 917View Complexity
Instrumentation Laboratory (IL) Co. ACL TOP 750View Complexity