List of Drugs by ORAL Route Type (Page: 6)

Below you will find an alphabetical list of the drug manufacturers/labelers and their drugs using ORAL route of delivery. Select the drug and manufacturer/labeler you would like to view. Once selected, you will proceed to the drug page, including details on the drug.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer / LabelerDrug Name
AbbVie Inc.Gengraf
AbbVie Inc.K-Tab
AbbVie Inc.Kaletra
AbbVie Inc.Marinol
AbbVie Inc.Mavyret
AbbVie Inc.Moderiba
AbbVie Inc.Niaspan
AbbVie Inc.Norvir
AbbVie Inc.Prometrium
AbbVie Inc.Simcor
AbbVie Inc.Synthroid
AbbVie Inc.Tarka
AbbVie Inc.Tricor
AbbVie Inc.Tridione
AbbVie Inc.Trilipix
AbbVie Inc.Venclexta
AbbVie Inc.Vicodin
AbbVie Inc.Zemplar
ABCO Laboratories, IncAller – Tox 11
ABCO Laboratories, IncAmoeba Tox
ABCO Laboratories, IncHZ – Tox
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Aller-Tox 1
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Bacteria Tox
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.BioCell Salts
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Chem – Tox
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.GlycoPan Tox
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Gyne – Tox
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.HCG Plus
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Immune Support System
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Lymph 1 Acute
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Oral hCG Activator
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Oral HCG Homeopathic
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Ultimate Fields
ABCO Laboratories, Inc.Ultimate Rescue
ABCO Labratories, Inc.Myco-Tox
ABCO Labratories, Inc.Pineal Code
ABCO Labratories, Inc.Pre and Post Milieu
ABCO Labratories, Inc.Rena Code
ABCO labratories, Inc.Throat Milieu
ABCO Labratories, Inc.Ultimate Phenolics
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals IncNUPLAZID
Access Business Group International LLCformu care flu and severe cold and cough
Access Business Group International LLCFormuCare Aspirin
Access Business Group International LLCformucare naproxen sodium
Access Business Group International LLCFormuCare Ranitidine
Access Business Group LLCformu care calcium antacid
Access Business Group LLCformu care ibuprofen
Access Business Group LLCformu care omeprazole
Access Business Group LLCFormu Care pain relief
Access Business Group LLCFormu Care pain reliever
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